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Propetra About page

The philosophy behind...

Dear Reader,


It was the eleventh hour and I had to submit a recommendation to my line manager - whether to add further perforations without increasing the risk of water production. A young engineer who never had any formal classroom training on industry packages was handling multiple software, trying to analyze a pressure build-up data while calibrating the reservoir dynamic model to decide whether to tackle a -1/2 spherical flow on Pressure Transient Analysis by adding perforations.


I wanted help, on the concepts, on our industry standard software, but I couldn't find anything specific to my case after searching for hours. I wish there was an E&P industry website, something like they have for medical sciences - you post to a doctor what your symptoms are and they may direct you in the right direction answering specifically to your case. 


Well this is what ProPetra is all about! Its like our very own Oil Industry's Yahoo! answers, a blog that describes in minute detail the theory and application of engineering aspects of Upstream Oil Industry.


I wish you an informative stay and hope you'll join the community to re-shape our old-school "Baby boomers" led E&P industry into a tech-savvy Millennials led Industry- ready to unlock the next phase of energy for our great planet.


Thank you for being part of ProPetra.

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