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Software Development

A major chunk of time in our day-to-day activities is spent on research. We are not talking about working in a laboratory analyzing samples or running tests, but digging through piles of information available on the world wide web to learn more about a new theory, concept, equation, model or case history.


Often when we come across models - empirical, mechanistic, analytical, numerical, etc. - we transform it into excel programs aided with Visual Basic to make it handy and look awesome at the same time. We believe Microsoft Excel is the best program ever written. It is extremely versatile in application and in our modest experience, there is no engineering problem we weren't able to solve using MS Excel, ranging from simple solve-for-x models to fully coupled 3D frac simulations.


Our interest of developing tools & programs for Oil industry application transformed into a hobby which further evolved into detailed research leading to innovations & technical developments in that subject. Following are few of our notable software.










With consistently growing ambition, technical innovation and research capabilities, we are constantly improving our software quality in terms of technical delivery, computational resource management and GUI.


If you are interested in software development, please contact:



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