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Health, Safety & Environment (HSE): What it means in the Oil & Gas Industry

It is often observed that personal health and safety is compromised for the sake of work and job performance. In such cases workers tend to take unnecessary risks and do not follow health and safety protocols thus end up hurting themselves. Health, Safety and Environment(HSE) management is one of the most vital component of Oil and Gas industry activities because most of the operational conditions, chemicals and end products (hydrocarbons and other compounds) associated with Oil and Gas production are well-known to pose serious safety and health threats to the workers and environment. Oil and gas industry has seen some of the most devastating and horrific incidents that were caused due to human negligence, deviation from written procedures and lack of communication.

HSE diagram

ref: intecse industrial

Lets briefly overview when have we neglected the protocols and ended up in a disaster:

The Piper Alpha disaster in the North Sea, United Kingdom, took the precious life of 167 people in July 1988 and is the deadliest offshore oil rig accident in history. The tragedy happened due to gas leakage from one of the condensate pipes at the platform. The pressure safety valve of the corresponding condensate-injection pump was removed during the day as part the routine maintenance of the pump. The open condensate pipe was temporarily sealed with two blind flanges. The temporary disc cover, however, remained in place during shift-change in the evening as maintenance work was not complete. The condensate-injection pump was not supposed to be switched on under any circumstances. Communication errors however led the night crew staff at the platform to turn on the pump after the other pump tripped. It resulted in leakage of gas condensate from the two blind flanges causing gas ignition and serial explosions on the platform. Only 61 out of the 226 workers survived the disaster and it took close to three weeks to control the fire.

Piper alpha oil rig on fire

Piper Alpha Oil rig on fire

Another incident that jolted one of the world’s giants in Oil and Gas exploration is Deep Water Horizon. This unfortunate incident took place in April 2010. Explosion and subsequent fire on the Deepwater Horizon semisubmersible Mobile Offshore Drilling Unit (MODU) killed 11 workers and injured 16. The explosion caused the Deepwater Horizon to burn and sink, resulting in a massive offshore oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, considered the largest accidental marine oil spill in the world, and the largest environmental disaster in U.S. history. Human negligence and deviation from procedures were the main root causes of this incident.

Deepwater Horizon on fire

Deepwater Horizon on Fire

Apart from these ill fate and tragic events, Oil and Gas has witnessed numerous HSE mishaps in which workers either lost their lives or got disabled for good. To address such incidents and stop casualties every renowned and well established oil and gas company has its own HSE management system. This system enables the company to control risks and hazards that might cause casualties. HSE management system consists of guidelines and protocols covering each and every aspect of organizational work frame. It has operating standards which describe the mandatory requirements for safety in the workplace. This includes management aspects of work such as planning, competency, documentation and record requirements etc. Different aspects of HSE Management System could be as followed:

  • Hazards Identification and Risk Assessment

  • Training and Development/Awareness

  • Communication

  • Procedures and Documentation

  • Driving Safety

  • Personal Protection Equipment

  • Management of Change

  • Permit to Work

  • House Keeping

  • Emission Control and Environment Protection

  • Heavy Equipment Lifting

  • Ground Disturbance

Above mentioned guidelines/rules are made to minimize the work related HSE issues and incidents. By adhering to these safety rules one can avoid HSE disaster. Details of above mentioned safety procedures would be covered in the upcoming blogs on HSE.

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